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  1. Internet Connection Dropped

    Due to recent security updates deployed by W. W. Norton, computer time and real time are required to be synced on devices that are used to access Norton's digital products. If the times aren't in sync, users will be presented with "You...
  2. Getting Started

    Norton’s high-quality content shines brighter through engaging and motivational features that illuminate core concepts for students in a supportive, low-stakes environment. Embedded interactives and Dynamic Data Figures engage students with ap...

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  4. Test Banks Instructor Help Notes

    Test banks accompany our college texts and are provided in several formats, including Word Documents, ExamView files, and ZIP files formatted for various course management systems. ExamView is test generator software that often your school will alre...
  5. Exporting a Test

    Norton Testmaker allows exports to DOCX format and ZIP format (which can be imported to learning management systems). Exported tests will be downloaded to your Web browser's default download location.  Exported DOCX files contain both the ...
  6. Extending Due Dates, Resetting Assignments, and Other Accommodations

    In Smartwork, you can alter assignments settings such as the due date, time limit, and attempt limits on questions for one or more students in your Student Set. You can also reset entire assignments and individual questions for one or more students,...
  7. How Do I Import My Test to a Blackboard Classic or Blackboard Learn Course?

    After building your test, you’ll want to export it from Norton Testmaker before uploading it to Blackboard. See instructions to export the test from Norton Testmaker. For a video walkthrough of the import process, click here . Importing...
  8. 2D Molecule Module - Organic Chemistry

    Hide All Answers 2D Molecule Module - Toolbar Introduction for Organic Templates   The 2D Molecule Module in Smartwork has unique tools for organic chemistry problems that are not present for general chemistry problems. The availabili...
  9. Shared Instructor and Student Functionality

    The Norton Ebook Reader has functionality that is common to both instructors and students. This page details the highlighting, annotation, bookmarking, audio narration, and printing and copying capabilities that are available to both instructors and...
  10. Getting Started with Norton Testmaker

    Norton Testmaker is Norton's online assessment-building software. Norton Testmaker lets you create tests, quizzes, and exams from Norton test bank questions. Getting access To secure the integrity of test bank questions, Norton Testmaker is ...